Serving Our Community
67 High Street, Willington, Co Durham. DL15 0PF • t: 01388 417725 • e:
Town Mayor: Councillor Dorothy Hales • Deputy Town Clerk: Mrs Emma McCann
Office Opening Times Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 3.00pm
©2025 Greater Willington Town Council
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Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice provide free, confidential and impartial advice. Their goal is to help everyone find a way forward, whatever problem they face. People visit Citizens Advice with all sorts of issues. You may have money, benefit, housing or employment problems. You may be facing a crisis, or just considering your options.
For general advice call Adviceline: 0808 278 7821 Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
For debt advice call Citizens Advice National Debt Helpline: 0800 240 4420 Monday to Friday 9am- 8pm. Saturday 9.30am-1.00pm
For goods and services purchased call Consumer Helpline: 0808 223 1133 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
For help applying for your first Universal Credit claim call Universal Credit Helpline (freephone): 0800 144 8 444 Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm
For personal or workplace pension advice call Pension Wise: 0800 138 3944 Monday to Friday 8am – 6.30pm
Willington Library
Monday 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9.30am to 7.00pm
Friday 9.30am to 1.00pm
saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm
Further information on library services can be accessed on
Durham County Council Services
• Business
• Housing
Phone: 03000 260000
(cost of a local call),
available 8.30am-5pm
8.30am-4.30pm Friday
Fax: 0191 383 4500
Minicom: 0191 383 3802
(for people with hearing impairment).
In writing:
Durham County Council
County Hall Durham DH1 5UL
One Network
One Network mapping system can be used to check live information regarding road works in your area.
Come along to your next PACT meeting and meet your local beat team.
PACT meetings are held at 6pm bimonthly at the Town Council office, 67 High Street, Willington, DL15 0PF
The next available dates are;
24th October 2024
19th December 2024
27th February 2025
Appointed Unopposed Representatives
Volunteer members of the town council are working on behalf of local residents to improve conditions across the area wherever possible.
Although there are financial constraints on our expenditure we promise to spend what we have prudently and seek to persuade and influence other organisations to use their budgets to support our aspirations across a range of interests and services.
Council Meetings are once per month and you can download the relevant minutes as they become available.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe any of the council meetings. Every Meeting Agenda has a public participation item. The meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6.00pm.
If you wish to raise an issue for discussion please contact the Town Clerk no later than 12 noon prior to the meeting, so that time can be allocated to accommodate your request to speak.
As required by the Localism Act 2011 we must provide information regarding our Councillors Register of Interests which can be found by clicking here.
Councillor Dorothy Hales – Town Mayor
Councillor Dorothy Hales has lived in Willington for 30 years. She is a retired Primary School Head teacher who has spent almost 40 years working in schools in and around County Durham. Dot is passionate about giving young people a voice and involving them in decision making with matters relevant to them. In her spare time she is involved with Girlguiding. She is a Rainbow and Brownie Guide leader as well as being a Division Commissioner with responsibility for 17 units. Dot also volunteers at St Cuthberts Hospice and enjoys spending time on the allotment which she shares with her husband. Councillor Hales has responsibility for management issues.
Councillor Angela Smith - Deputy Town Mayor
Councillor Smith has lived in Willington for over 30 years. She is driven to engage and support her local community. Angela is a School Governor and a now retired Teaching Assistant. She spends some of her time working with young people who want to achieve Outward Bound Awards. Angela is dedicated to making sure the youth is heard and is keen to initiate a Youth Council.
Councillor Ken Henfrey
Councillor Henfrey is a lifelong Willington resident and retired electrician. He is an avid supporter of CCTV cameras and supported the introduction of the towns defibrillators. Ken was Town Mayor for two years and Deputy Town Mayor for seven years.
Councillor Emma Berry
Councillor Berry lives in Oakenshaw and she shares responsibility for the management of allotments with Councillor Charles Hales. She is a great support to the Open Door Church collecting and delivering fresh produce from local town council allotments.
Councillor Charles Hales
Charles has lived in Willington for the last 30+ years. His working life has been spent working in education, in local schools and in Durham City where he became examinations secretary, Faculty lead and head of department working with senior managers and in developing active Citizenship across the age and ability range. He remains committed to education as an A level senior examiner in the UK with a major international examination board.
Charles has a passion for the heritage of the region and the importance of community and identity. He is a private and public tour Guide at Durham Cathedral in addition to being a visitor experience welcome steward. He has worked within GWTC on several heritage initiatives.
Having the shared portfolio for allotments within GWTC has allowed him to promote and participate in their social and health benefits and helping to provide produce for Open-Door Church food bank in recent years as part of a year-round plan to maximise the potential of allotments.
As a member of the GWTC Environment Group, he remains committed to working to enhance the local environment and in supporting the planting initiatives the Group maintains with local primary schools
In addition to his environmental and heritage interests, he is a member for County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust where he is encouraged to express his interests in local community health care provision and current concerns. Equally on a more direct and pro-active level, as a member of the Patient Participation Group based in Willington Surgery. Consequently he remains committed to active participation in a wide range of council activities and public events for the benefit of the wider community within GWTC.
Councillor Margaret Elgie
Councillor Elgie is retired and from Sunnybrow. She values the importance of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and any activities that help tackle crime. She also organises the Dovedale Bingo Group.
Councillor Emma Jordan
Councillor Jordan is a local business owner who is passionate about working with the community, supporting other shop owners and improving the town. The Bait Room sponsors Willington Youth under 10s, Willington Working Men’s Club and The Black Horse Football Teams.
Councillor Fraser Tinsley
Councillor Tinsley has previously been Town Mayor for eight years. His background is in town planning. As a Durham County Councillor, he has attracted investment into the parish and ward. Fraser is very proactive in supporting local and wider community initiatives.
Councillor Pauline Savage
Councillor Savage has lived in Willington all her life. She is retired after working in social housing for forty years and now enjoys looking after her grandson William. She chairs the Greater Willington Environmental Group and is committed to improving the natural environment. Pauline is keen to continue the bulb and tree planting around the town with members of the council and our community. She is also part of the Willington litter picking group.
Councillor Stephen Jackson
Councillor Jackson is a lifelong resident of Willington who attended Willington Primary School and Parkside Comprehensive. He is a self-employed Painter and Decorator. Stephen has undertaken many community roles. He was Church of England Primary School Governor for 4 years and led the weekly after school cross country running programme. He coached football at Willington Spectrum Leisure Centre each week as a volunteer for nine years. He has been involved with Willington Youth Football for 22 years, during this time he coached both boys and girls football and was also Chairman. Stephen coached Junior cricket at Willington Cricket Club and was also Chairman. His aim as a Town Councillor is to improve the town and be approachable to residents with concerns they may have.
Councillor Ursula McArdle
Councillor McArdle arrived in the North East with her young family 44 years ago. Her youngest son was born here. As a qualified teacher she was a stay-at-home Mum, developing home making skills with enthusiasm. She became a teacher in 1986 and as a lifelong learner studied hard to be ready for different assignments. This led from Diplomas in languages via IT, Psychology and Mathematics to Diplomas in ‘Adult Numeracy’ and ESOL. She has also benefitted from past FE provision in the region. Having settled in Sunnybrow over eleven years ago Ursula feels that becoming a Town Councillor was a great honour. She tries to keep people updated about local events. She joined Neighbourhood Watch to better serve the community and attends Pact meetings when possible. She is now also on the board of the Patient Forum. She is a Labour Party member.
Emma McCann – Deputy Town Clerk
Emma has lived in Willington most of her life and she is very passionate about serving her local community. She has been in post since 2010 and over this period of time has taken on many responsibilities. These include overseeing the portfolio of the allotments and working closely with Councillors and tenants. She is an avid campaigner in organising youth and family events. This is able to happen by her working tirelessly to bring in extra funding. These has seen an increase that the town council has been able to provide and she strives to continue to actively work with local organisations and schools. Emma was also given the Management responsibility of the GWTC offices refurbishment which was a great undertaking to create a local base for supporting our community.